
The main goal concerning the design of the SprAid prototype is in the enactment of treating superficial wounds using a spray system.

  • Sub-goals: Understand the background elements concerning the therapeutic solutions and spray system:
  1. Detailed analysis and literature review will be conducted to understand the foundational elements underlining the current research explored in the area of spray delivery for aid in superficial wounds.
  2. Review different application models governing cell or solution delivery systems.
  3. Detailed analysis and written proposal of a problem statement governing the background problem associated with the SprAid device.
  4. Developing objectives and functions governing the release of a sterile solution through a spray applicator device.
  5. Construction of a work breakdown structure tree, Linear Responsibility Chart (LRC), Percent Complex Matrix (PCM) and Gantt Chart.
  6. Develop a Morphological Chart to explore and highlight the different options accompanying each of the ten functions.
  7. Sketching a basic outline followed by the incorporation into a 3D model program such as Autodesk.
  8. Preliminary mockup builds using raw materials purchased from the Home Depot to test and highlight certain concepts such as fluid dynamics.
  9. Analysis and collaboration with co-advisor Dr. Reagle in the final installment of the second prototype, to be constructed in Autodesk.
  10. Purchasing and printing of the prototype using working facilities provided by the university.
  11. Final assembly of the device incorporating both the printed device components and ordered materials.
  12. Second phase of the project will involve the testing of the prototype using Dr. Wu lab at the Prince William Campus.
  13. Further installments will be made to the device if necessary, if the device becomes unsuited for a particular function or fails to provide sufficient results in the testing phase.
  14. Weekly meetings and updated emails will be provided every week in order to establish a working relationship with both student and professor.
  15. Updated research governing the design of the prototype will be uploaded to the website to provide a detailed progress update.
  16. Final phase of the project will be reviewed by the Bioengineering Department at the end of the semester year in the Spring of 2015.

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