Whether it is on the field or at home, incidental or accidental exposure to unfortunate incidents can leave the individual, injured or harmed. Immediate medical attention is often necessary to treat wound and burns when a conventional Band Aid is not enough. Access to costly wound products or immediate medical assistance is not an option in many settings. In these situations, the SprAid gun is designed to provide the individual with a more comprehensive tool to manage a wound or burn. In some instances sophisticated products are available but the lack of clinical experience makes them difficult to use. Therefore, we have designed the SprAid gun apparatus to undertake wound care in the context of the local environment. The SprAid gun portrays certain ideal traits: portable, cost efficient, user-friendly, durable, compliant, and fast acting.
The function of the spray apparatus is to deliver one of three isolated solutions to the individual, which includes an antiseptic plus an anesthetic, a hemostatic agent, and a thermoregulator.
The antiseptic will be combined with a local anesthetic to prevent infection and reduce the pain at the site of injury. The hemostatic agent promotes coagulation, minimizes oedema and induces the formation of new cells for tissue formation, vascular repair, and remodeling to support re-epithelialization of the skin. The thermoregulator maintains the wound at body temperature, stabilizes the pH, and protects the wound from the external environment. The SprAid gun kit is the ideal wound and burn dressing for emergencies as it provides the following functions:
- It can be stored and applied at temperatures between 2-25 Celcious
- It is comfortable, compliant, and durable
- It is as painless as possible. The spray application provides noninvasive method to treat the wound topically. The local anesthetic works to reduce the pain temporarily.
- Protects the wound from micro-organisms through the application of an antibiotic agent.
- Allows gaseous exchange and protects from the external environment while allowing Oxygen flow through the application of the thermoregulating agent.
- Non-toxic and non-irritant
- Allows high humidity at the wound
- It is compatible with topical therapeutic agents
- It is able to allow maximum activity for the wound to heal without retarding or inhibiting any stage of the process by promoting and protecting the natural immune response.
- Promotes spontaneous healing and prevent further tissue loss by minimizing the time it takes for blood to clot through the application of the hemostatic agent.
- Provides optimal conditions for surgery if required